SQL Roundup – 03/16-2012

Howdy! I was flying last week, and for the first time i sat facing a flight attendant. You don’t actually sit face to face with anybody in a flight, because, you know all the seat rows are facing in only one direction. But attendants sit in the opposite direction. That is a pain. I watched them make hilarious expressions, they reminded me of a stand up comedy by Russell Peters. You should watch it, it’s a nice start to your Friday.

Are you ready for another SQL Roundup? Not quite, i know. But here it is anyway.

  • Some great view points were shared for this month’s T-SQL Tuesday. Should you be one Jack of All Trades, or Master of None? I’m not linking to the original post, I don’t want my blog to show up as a ping back there –  it’s against the spirit. But follow the below link for some healthy advice. (http://sqlblog.com/blogs/argenis_fernandez/archive/2012/03/05/t-sql-tuesday-028-jack-of-all-trades-master-of-none.aspx)
  • While we are taking advice from experts, also read this interview of Andy Leonard. Andy is full of inspiration, as always. He is, actually, one of the persons who helped me get started with this blog. I’m grateful to have received his help directly. (http://tinyurl.com/6n76a4o)
  • Let’s talk BI. You know Vertipaq, right? The term used to define the in memory engine for SSAS Tabular and PowerPivot. Well, don’t worry about it anymore. It get’s rebranded to xVelocity.
  • Sure! Even small things teach great things. Fun With Aggregates. Paul White.
  • Here are a few useful videos covering SQL Server 2012 on Channel 9.

Have a good Weekend!

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SQL Roundup – 03/09/2012

Welcome to another week of SQL Roundup. Just in case you missed, SQL Server 2012 was released this week and you can download the evaluation edition here.

Clever and great improvisation. Create tag cloud style reports using SSRS. (Jason Thomas).

Jen McCown summarizes the agony caused during the SQL Server Virtual Launch Event.

Use this decision matrix to choose from the different BI tools. (Melissa Coates).

Don’t miss out on an opportunity to receive free SQL Server training.

So, wassup with BISM? Simran Jindal clearly explains the meaning of BISM!


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Introducing SQL Roundup

Following in the foot steps of John Sansom (b|t), I’m going to post a roundup of links from other blogs every Friday. I’ll call this SQL Roundup. John calls his “Something for the Weekend“.

Each Roundup will have no more than 10 links. Trust me, I don’t want to ruin your Friday with too much information. Areas i hope to cover include: T-SQL, SQL Business Intelligence, Data Warehouse, Blogging, Professional Development. These links will mostly be new blog posts, but occasionally I’ll point to older ones too.

Here is the first round:

SQL Roundup for 03/02/2012

Review: I Done This Andy Warren reviews a product and concludes his post with a tip that all new bloggers will find useful.

How To Write an Interview Winning CV You rock when your CV rocks. John shares some excellent ideas on writing a CV.

So, what is the BI Semantic Model? Chris Webb walks you back to early SSAS days and compares UDM with BISM.

SSIS – Name Those Connections by Andy Leonard. Your DBA will give you a hug. Not sure if you would want it though!

Why Use SSAS Tabular? by Marco Russo. SSAS 2012 comes in tabular mode, along with the traditional Multi-Dimensional mode, Alright. But, why use it?

Watch out for some activity on Twitter with #sqlroundup hash tag.


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